The story unfolds through the eyes of cats, offering glimpses of intense battlefields, fleeting moments in history, heartfelt family bonds, and imaginative visions of the future. Rendered in a variety of styles, including ink painting, 2D animation, 3D visuals, and stop motion, it captures the essence of Eastern aesthetics. Ten surreal and enigmatic scrolls about cats are revealed, one by one, drawing the audience into their mysterious world.
Sebastian Pufpaff has a heart for celebrities. ProSieben has a heart for celebrities. “TV total” has a heart for celebrities. In winter there is a place for them on the cozy couch in the warm studio.
Friends from six countries gathered to form a multinational entrepreneurial team, embarking on a "New Farmers" journey in Changde's Peach Blossom Source. In the upcoming rural life, how will they, as "New Farmers," use the business cards of their foreign friends to build a bridge for cultural exchange and cross the chasm of cultural differences? Starting from November 25, every Monday at 12:00, please tune in to Mango TV to see how foreigners thrive in rural China!
Melody, an educator at the renowned Raccoon Academy, was pushed by a child from the top of the stairs, leaving her with a broken arm and incalculable psychological after-effects. Who did it? Mystery.
German Oesterheld who wrote The Eternauta goes to apply a new job in the most prolific argentine publisher on those days. The comics of this publisher are simple and plain in style with a constant particular feature; the bad boys are always the indians, the cubans or the aliens. When German arrives a revolution between publishers writers and comic driver is begun because they feel attracted am jealous for the teachers arrival. The military dictatorship government rules the streets and everywhere even in the publisher building the things and relationships begun to change and German has to be hidden to be able to let know his toughts.
KWIR, the first LGBTIQ+ series in Malta that tackles love, identity, and the journey of a footballer, Lysander, as he dares to explore his true self and break barriers in the world of football. Featuring drag performers, an authentic cast, and a bold message to dehomophobe football.
Follow the action-packed lives of the high-speed police interception unit. Led by specially trained officers and equipped with the fastest vehicles in the force, the team tackles the most difficult-to-catch criminals on a daily basis.