The show is inspired by the famous humorous column 'Duniya Ne Undha Chasma' written by the eminent Gujarati writer Mr. Tarak Mehta. This story evolves around happenings in "Gokuldham Co-operative Society" and covers topical issues which are socially relevant.
After the high-profile arrest of drug cartel member Željko Matić-Željac, the police are investigating the murder of Gabriela Ochoa from Mexico, who was wrongly declared dead seven years ago, and its connection with the recent murder of the police chief, as they suspect that Matić is continuing his criminal activities from prison.
Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg to 'connect the world', now many believe parent company Meta is ruining the world through its apps including Instagram. Is that just moral panic or is there a real threat to us and our children? In this series we’ll reveal the real motivations and methods of the tech giant from insiders, whistleblowers, and researchers. We'll also provide tips to keep children safe.