The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy is an American animated television series that aired on CBS from 17 September 1988 to 1 September 1990. Based on the dolls Raggedy Ann and Andy by Johnny Gruelle, the series was produced directly by CBS in honor of the 70th anniversary of the characters. The show was retired in 1990, although CBS aired reruns in August 1991 when Pee-Wee's Playhouse was shelved.
Harry Batt is a one-off BBC 1 comedy starring Ian Kirkby as the "Geordie copper" DI Harry Batt, following his pursuit of a soft furnishings bouncer gang.
Blinky Bill is back to bring his trademark mischief, mayhem, and humour to life. Along with his best mate and sidekick Jacko, Blinky takes on the role as defender of his outback home, Greenpatch.
Alborz Shams, a resident of Germany, returns to Iran for the death of his father, but in Iran everyone calls him Farhad Babaei and no one remembers him, not even his love Sara.
One is a priest, the other is the mayor of the city! It's not always easy for Erwan and Hugo to get along, especially for brothers-in-law. For the sake of their small town, they manage to cope with the problems.
Herbie the Matchmaker, also known as Herbie, The Love Bug, is a short-lived situation comedy that aired on CBS in the spring of 1982. The series is based on Walt Disney Productions' popular Herbie film series, about a Volkswagen Beetle with a mind of its own. It was cancelled after five episodes and, for the next fifteen years, would mark Herbie's last new appearance in either television or film; Herbie would next return to television in the 1997 film The Love Bug.