Rayman: The Animated Series, or The Rayman TV Series, is a French 3-D animated children's television series featuring the French video game hero Rayman. Created by Ubisoft and based on the Rayman adventure game series, the show was originally in French but was dubbed into various languages for foreign countries. Ubisoft was able to produce only four episodes and never managed to broadcast its episodes in the United States.
Koba is a princess, a real one. To meet up the men she loves, she finds herself in Paris... François is a diplomat. He thinks he loves a student. Little does he know that his Cinderella wears a crown. To find her again he becomes ambassador of France in her country: Kurland...
When 16-year-old refugee Priya's dad goes missing, Priya and her best friend Obi must navigate a community where they are treated as undesirables in order to find her dad and destroy the creature plaguing their neighbourhood.
Yuki 7 is an animated action/comedy series following super spy Yuki 7 and her jet-setting crew on thrilling adventures set against a smattering of colorful and stylized international backdrops.
Muthita, an attractively beautiful woman who works as a social influencer, is engaged to Katkhun who is perfectly handsome and wealthy. Accidentally, meeting Arnon, the spirit of a man who has just died, they unintendedly become buddies. He needs to go back to his wife and daughter. Arnon must help other spirits who can't move on, meanwhile, give Muthita advice about and her love, also being her guardian.
A coming-of-age story of a group of youths who grew up together. The story takes place in 2007; four children from Shu De Faculty and Staff Family Hospital entered high school together, welcoming their sixteenth year of life. They form their own clique named "No. 1992", and embark on a journey filled with dreams, growth and warmth.
In this tale, unlikely destinies intertwine as God brings together two individuals from different corners of the world. Plapol, a man of both Korean and Thai heritage, grew up in Korea and escapes to Thailand, skeptical of his new stepmother's intentions toward his father's wealth. His distrust of women is rooted in the disappearance of his mother after divorcing his father during his youth. Fuelled by resentment, Plapol embarks on a journey to Thailand in search of his mother. There, in a bar, he encounters Pantawan, a charismatic singer adored by the men. Initially viewing her through a familiar lens, Plapol's misogynistic views clash with Pantawan's independent spirit. They clash, yet eventually, understanding blossoms into love. However, a revelation unravels their romance: Pantawan's mother is Plapol's new stepmother, introducing a new layer of complexity to their relationship.