Aquila is a British children's television show which aired on the BBC from 1997 to 1998. An episode was aired once a week, and was based on the story of two boys, Tom Baxter and Geoff Reynolds, who find a spacecraft when digging in a field. It was based on the book Aquila by British author Andrew Norriss and set in Bristol.
Set in 1930s Shanghai, Zhou Jin uncovers her family's mysterious past, learning her father died under suspicious circumstances a decade ago. Determined to find the truth, she infiltrates the powerful Shen family with her childhood friend, Su Zhiwen. Beneath the glamour of the "Lady's House," they uncover hidden dangers and secrets that put Zhou Jin’s mission at risk.
After being disappointed by her husband, Anna decides to put an end to their marriage and tries to get her life back on track. But how should she continue with her life and her children, Lou and Vic, through which she'll be connected with her ex forever?
Qudrat and Jahangir, famous falsifiers wanted by the police, intend to flee the country, but the two find themselves in adventures where they can start a new business with Ramali. Although the police have identified them, but they do not give up witchcraft due to greed, and by fraud, they can get property that ...
While spending a summer-long family vacation by the lake, siblings Tommy, Nikki, and Daniel Fisher discover that their seemingly boring parents are actually daring undercover spies, who are chasing a devious villain aiming to dry up the country's water supply. When the siblings realize their parents' mission is in jeopardy, they form a secret task force called THE SPYDERS in order to help them out. Tommy, 12, a cute, irresistible goofball; Nikki, 15, a well-meaning but impetuous leader, and Daniel, 16, a sedentary, anxiety-ridden computer nerd, use their brains, charm, audacity and unbridled enthusiasm to outwit and outsmart the villain, who has so far eluded their parents. Will the untrained, blundering Spyders succeed where mom and dad failed?
It's follows the story of Booth, his wife Lissen, and two kids Ansger and Emil, on their 100-day trip to Japan as they try a wide variety of Japanese foods. Booth was inspired to make the trip by Shizuo Tsuji's book, Japanese Cooking, A Simple Art.
The Enchanted World of Brambly Hedge is a stop-motion animated series based on the Brambly Hedge books by Jill Barklem. The show was produced by Reader's Digest Video and Hit Entertainment; in the United States, episodes began airing on the Starz premium channel in 1997.