The show follows two brothers, Nick & Toby, who discover that they have the power to transform into powerful creatures known as Gormitis. Their two friends Jessica & Lucas join the fight and together they harness the power of the four elements. Now it's up to them to save their world from destruction.
Xilin is a dancer who becomes paralyzed after an accident. Her dreams are dashed, and her family is no longer as harmonious. With the support of Tianqing, a paraswimmer who aspires to qualify for the Paralympics, Xilin picks herself up and embarks on a new journey in life. Supporting each other through the darkest times, Xilin and Tianqing forge a strong bond and shine in their respective fields.
Satina details the life and (mis)adventures of the titular demon child and her parents. Satina is the daughter of the overworked Queen of North American Hell, Lucia, and her father Dave, an ordinary man working as an IT consultant in the human world.
It is a story about a Chinese restaurant named Furong Hall in Seoul. To extend the renting contract, Pu Shan Ji has to present excellent Chinese cuisine to convince the landlord. Pu Shan Ji quits her job and flies to China to find a brilliant chef, Master Lin, for some recipes. Unexpectedly, there is a subtle spark between them. Will Pu Shan Ji save the restaurant in the end?
Animated shows of Mormon faith scriptures & heroes. Children's visuals of uplifting representations of some of the more popular and favorite scriptures.
Stephen Mulhern presents the pop-up gameshow based on the original 'Saturday Night Takeaway' feature. The host takes their unique brand of games and quizzes to the streets, challenging unsuspecting members of the public for a chance to win.
Sanjay Goradia's character, Pappu, is a Gujarati businessman who has a colorful family. Goti Soda explores the madness in his day-to-day life as he deals with his crazy family and friend, Manya (Chetan Daiya).
A BBC light entertainment holiday series, following on from the success of their Seaside Special shows, featuring comedy, music and variety guest stars.
During the times of the Second World War in Royal Romania, a street smart kid accidentally becomes part of an organization which will eventually decide the future of his country.
The New Ghostwriter Mysteries is a CBS television show that aired in 1997. It was loosely based on an earlier series on PBS called Ghostwriter. The New Ghostwriter Mysteries was canceled after a year due to low ratings.
The show featured a new team of three kids: Camella Gorik, Emilie Robeson, and Henry "Strick" Strickland. Ghostwriter only had two colors, which were silver and gold. The show was filmed in Canada, and aired from September through December 1997.
Hector's House is a children's television series using hand puppets.
Like the better known The Magic Roundabout it was actually a French production revoiced for a British audience. A gentle, rather than subversive or outright bizarre, series, it was first broadcast in 1965. Its French title was La Maison de Toutou and the French version was written by Georges Croses. "La Maison de Toutou" translates as "The House of the Doggie" and in the French version, Zsazsa is known as ZouZou. In the UK, it was screened in the late 1960s and early 1970s for its 5-minute-long screenings on BBC 1 at 5.40 p.m. before the News.
The main characters, affable Hector the Dog and cute Zsazsa the Cat, live in a house and beautiful garden. Kiki the Frog, dressed in a pink smock, is a constant and at times an intrusive visitor, through her hole in the wall. Despite Hector's willingness to endlessly help them out, Kiki and Zsazsa often played tricks on him to teach him a lesson, leading him to say his catchphrase at the end of the episode
The series follows the adventures of Scooby-Doo and the Gang through the eyes of 15 children and their imaginations. Each story begins in the real world and transitions to the stop motion animated imagination of a child.