A Kind of Magic is a French animated television series created by Charile Skanker and his animation company Xilam. The story deals with a kid named Tom and his family's problems, including his sister Cindy, who is crazy after every boy she sees, his toad 'His Highness', his evil Aunt Ferocia who wants to turn him evil as well, and his parents who have been exiled from Fairyland and now have to live on Earth.
The series has been an instant hit and was rated the most popular series at the 2007 MIPCOM Junior trade show, attracting over 280 buyers.
Balancing their roles as design experts and dads, Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent show us how to turn a money pit into a masterpiece. In each episode we learn from the mistakes of their clients as these designer husbands rescue them from renovation nightmares.
Shiomi Eiji is forced to become a single father when his girlfriend passes away while giving birth to their daughter, Shizuku. Desolate after the loss of the woman he loved, Eiji has little time or desire to even consider remarrying, working part-time jobs just to make ends meet. The one thing that gives meaning and joy to his life is Shizuku, but even that begins to trouble him when Shizuku begins acting strange, hiding her face by putting a cloth over her head when around other people.
One day after opening his flower shop, Eiji comes across a blind woman standing by the door, taking shelter from the rain. When he invites her to come inside the shop, she at first refuses, but later gives in to Eiji's kindness. They become intimate friends and she slowly grows to depend on Eiji's sincerity and good heartedness. After rescuing her a following evening when she walks into the street and is nearly struck by traffic, Eiji himself inexplicably discovers the cold of winter that has saddled his heart all these years slow
Standard Deviants TV comprised material from the Standard Deviants home videos, edited into 25-minute episodes that aired on PBS. All of the original 13 episodes were released on home video (at half the price of the full-length videos), as were many subsequent episodes. The series also included three episodes with new material on geography.
Twin sisters switch identities turning the school bully into a gentle lady as she makes the move on a doctor. Meanwhile, the female executive turns into a school beauty, capturing the heart of a little "puppy." After their parents divorced, twin sisters Lin Chu Xin and Xia Qing were raised separately. Lin Chu Xin works hard to make money but has poor grades. Meanwhile, Xia Qing has lived a life of luxury since her mom remarried into a wealthy family. The twins inadvertently meet as adults. Through exchanging identities, they manage to solve various problems yet also create a bigger crisis for each other.
A five-star hotel located in Antalya, Turkey has been inherited by Ardeshir Rouhafza and his wife from his late uncle. The uncle’s attorney has suggested that they sell it. Both Ardeshir and his wife noticed that recently, the hotel and its personnel were under a disorderly condition due to not having a manager available. They decide to change this situation and not to make any hasty decisions. Meanwhile, their daughter and son-in-law anonymously enter the hotel accompanied by their children and after a few minutes from their arrival, they notice everything and try to inform the parents without creating a scene. On the other hand, the hotel personnel realize the consequences of their wrongful behavior and become worried about losing their jobs after the family meeting. Therefore, they decide to accept the attorney’s offer and convince the Rouhafza family to sell the hotel. If so, not only they would be able to keep their jobs, but also they would be rewarded with a generous commission. Nonetheless, the
Sixteen contestants, ranging in age from 12 to 15, are taken completely off the grid to solve puzzles and overcome physical challenges, with the laws of karma setting the rules.