The renowned Viennese fashion designer Franz Steiniger learns that he has a fatal illness and then retires to Italy with his lover Barbara Landau. During the absence of the CEO, his unsuspecting wife Elisabeth and son Albert and daughter-in-law Alpha fight against the hostile takeover by a solvent American cheap-fashion empire.
The Mexico City Metropolitan Train has many stories to tell: from archaeological findings during its construction, its underground museums and hospitals, and even its patents and special maintenance services. These are some of their stories.
Pojken med guldbyxorna is a 1975 Swedish TV-series, based on an 1967 novel by Max Lundgren, that became very popular in Sweden and has since been shown numerous times on Swedish television. The version now broadcast on TV4 Guld consists of episodes cut into 30 minutes each.
The plot revolves around a boy who discovers that he is able to pull an infinite number of banknotes from the pockets of his jeans.
Little Rosey is a Canadian animated television series that aired in the United States on Saturday Mornings on ABC. It is Roseanne Barr's first attempt at a cartoon.
While expecting their child, a student couple announce to their parents that they will marry. Both sets of parents are against it, but when the proposal takes place, the things take unexpected turn.