The show's main protagonist is the 5-year-old title character Chico-chan. An actor wears a costume with an oversize head to portray her, while the broadcasts show her face in 3D computer graphics, which allows for a variety of outrageous expressions and effects. Accompanied by comedian Takashi Okamura, the show features Chico-chan asking Okamura and others simple questions, such as "Why do people wave their hands when they say goodbye?" If they cannot answer properly, she spits out her sarcastic signature phrase, "Botto ikiten ja ne-yo!" (Don't sleep through life!) Yuichi Kimura provides the voice of Chico-chan.
Host Jeff Corwin teams up with everyday people who are making an extraordinary impact on the world through animal advocacy, wildlife conservation, youth empowerment and aiding those dealing with food insecurity issues.
Stephen Mulhern presents the pop-up gameshow based on the original 'Saturday Night Takeaway' feature. The host takes their unique brand of games and quizzes to the streets, challenging unsuspecting members of the public for a chance to win.
The original BBC TV series that ran for six series from 1971 until 1976, when later that year he returned with a new series Mike Yarwood In Persons. He performed sketches impersonating famous faces of the day. At its height the show regularly drew audiences of up to 18 million viewers.
Rich Adnan marries Bihter, who is younger than him. A poisonous forbidden love begins between Adnan's nephew Behlül and Bihter who lives in the same mansion.