Storykeepers is an animated Christian video series produced by Zondervan from 1995 to 1997 in America and Ireland. It tells the story of a Christian leader and his family's adventures living in Ancient Rome, Italy whose mission is to keep Jesus's stories alive during the 1st century. The series consists of thirteen episodes, and features two full-length movies that are compilations of the last four episodes. The introduction to each episode before the opening credits is as follows:
"Rome, 64 AD. The Emperor Nero has unleashed his fury against the Christians. Their crime: Proclaiming a King higher than Caesar. Setting fire to the city, Nero places the blame on the Christians, and launches a new campaign to wipe them out. Families are separated, children left homeless, as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the lions. Escaping the panic of the fire, and dodging the advancing soldiers, a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of Ben and Helena; a local baker, and his wife. Here the children discov
Laugh and learn with Gecko and the mechanicals at Gecko's Garage. Gecko is visited by his friends Max The Monster Truck, Amber The Ambulance and more big trucks for children.
In this 26-part series, prominent historians present America’s story as something that must be presented and debated from a variety of perspectives in order to be truly understood. Their thought-provoking debates and lectures — using first-person narratives, photos, film footage, and documents — will pique students’ interest and encourage them to think critically about the forces that have shaped America.
Arif has just returned from serving a sentence in Henry Gurney for his past mistake. He is a wise son and beloved by his mother, Aida. While his younger brother, Yoyol considers Arif as his idol. As a child, he and his friends like to spent most of their time on a cliff in their village that made them well-known as 'cliff boys'.
Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara or Pyaar Ka Dard Hai is an Indian soap opera produced by Rajshri Productions which airs on Star Plus .Rich boy Aditya doesn’t believe in marriage while small town girl, Pankhuri thinks 'marriage is for keeps.' What happens when they come together amidst broken relations and property feuds?