This magical series takes place deep in the heart of the Okavango Delta in Botswana. Isolated by the surrounding flood water, a collection of secretive and mysterious creatures are imprisoned on the paradise island of Jao.
Just Kidding is a Canadian animated series that began airing on February 3, 2013 on Teletoon, and November 19, 2012 on Disney XD. Despite being a Teletoon Original Production, it does not broadcast on Télétoon due to TVA's exclusive broadcasting rights of Just For Laughs series in French-Canadian territories. The series has also been broadcast in the UK, France, Australia and Poland. Unlike the international versions, the Disney XD version is hosted by YouTube sensation Zach Fox. The show is loosely based off of Just for Laughs, only this show´s premise focuses on kids pulling jokes. The series plays with no written dialogue, apart from the main theme which gives the impression that all the kids share the hosting position.
Lucas and Sarah, two kids who live ordinary school lives, find a device that makes their personal lives easier. But someone else wants the device, and Lucas and Sarah must face their fears and flaws and work together to stop what they started.
The White Horses is a 1965 television series co-produced by RTV Ljubljana of Yugoslavia and German TV.
Young teenage horse fan Julka spends her holidays at the Lipizza Stud Farm run by her Uncle Dimitrij.
A unique drama that contrasts the lives of a family of elite salarymen in Tokyo and a family of landowners in Tokorozawa, Saitama, while exploring the timeless themes of drama such as human happiness, love and marriage in their everyday lives, told in a straightforward narrative style.
Mehroo Nabi Bux (Sohai Ali Abro) a lonely soul and a copywriter in an advertising firm has an apartment. A Nanny was there to look after her but still, there’s something missing in her life. She admires a man Farhan Shiekh, who works in the next office on the same floor. But this admiration is really quite as they both never met. Mehroo likes his way of suiting but he is not her Prince Charming.
Fernando Colunga and Livia Brito star in #Amanecer, the new “classic” telenovela produced by Juan Osorio for primetime on @canalestrellas, which will air in 2025.