Storykeepers is an animated Christian video series produced by Zondervan from 1995 to 1997 in America and Ireland. It tells the story of a Christian leader and his family's adventures living in Ancient Rome, Italy whose mission is to keep Jesus's stories alive during the 1st century. The series consists of thirteen episodes, and features two full-length movies that are compilations of the last four episodes. The introduction to each episode before the opening credits is as follows:
"Rome, 64 AD. The Emperor Nero has unleashed his fury against the Christians. Their crime: Proclaiming a King higher than Caesar. Setting fire to the city, Nero places the blame on the Christians, and launches a new campaign to wipe them out. Families are separated, children left homeless, as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the lions. Escaping the panic of the fire, and dodging the advancing soldiers, a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of Ben and Helena; a local baker, and his wife. Here the children discov
Emmet Otter and his Mother are barely making ends meet as Christmas approaches in Frogtown Hollow. They hear of a talent contest in the nearby town of Waterville and each secretly enters the contest so they can afford to buy a present for the other. Their plans are complicated by the arrival of The Riverbottom Nightmare Band, but an unexpected turn of events provides an uplifting ending.
Megamaths is an Educational programme about Maths that originally aired on BBC2 between 1996 and 2001. Each episode was 20 minutes long and was written by Maths Television Presenter Simon Davies. Other people that have been in the series are Liz Crowther and Annee Blott. Between 1996 and 1999 it was presented in a castle where there were the four card suites and jokers. There were two gargoyles at the front of the castle who spoke in rhyme. After megamaths ran for 3 series they decided to stop the castle idea and two presenters presented in a studio.
Lawyer Arnold König has just moved into a new house in Bonn with his family. On his first day at work, Felix the apparently stray St. Bernard runs into his car. While the stressed-out Arnold vehemently resists keeping the dog, his wife Ellen and children Julia and Tim immediately take him to their hearts. But that soon changes. Chaos soon breaks out in the König household when the curious Felix explores his new home and turns the whole house upside down. From now on, the Königs are no longer safe from surprises. Freshly planted flowerbeds are razed to the ground again. The neighbor's cat is chased off their property in wild chases. The specially built doghouse soon falls victim to the dog's temperament and Felix doesn't even stop at the fridge at home. Despite everything, the Königs can't do without their faithful St. Bernard.
Sue Perkins hosts as the country's brightest spellers aged between nine and 13 compete in a series of word-related games and challenges, displaying a combination of speed, skill and brains to deconstruct words many have never even heard of, let alone spelled, before. Comedian Joe Lycett reports from backstage, where the youngster and their parents are making last-minute preparations, while newsreader Moira Stuart officiates as the show's pronouncer
Three sailors, Janos, Frasse and Hilding, going ashore after many years at sea. They take over a bakery. But it is not always that easy to become bakers. Many difficulties and challenges await them in their new profession.