Mind Wars is a quiz game show comprising four teams of two students from grade six to ten, and hosted by Shreyas Talpade. They are asked general knowledge questions about India and its current affairs. The team that answers the questions correctly wins the title of Mind Wars Champions.
It was broadcast for the first time in April 1978 by Televisión Nacional de Chile and remained on the air for 26 seasons, originally being broadcast by the state signal until 1981 and subsequently from 1983 to 1989. In July 1992 it was broadcast by the newly created private station Megavisión, where it remained in regular broadcasts until 2004.
It's The Day Of The Dead and all the inhabitants of Sunnyville are ready to celebrate with a song and a dance! But before they can join the festivities, Brooklyn the lion, Peanut the giraffe and Beezbee the bee set off on a holiday adventure? Get in on the fun, with Day Of The Dead Dance Season 1.
It’s a show-within-a-show starring real-life mom video bloggers Judi Diamond and Kate Frisina, from St. Louis. Go inside their world (which might look a lot like your world!) for their unique take on motherhood. And boy, do they have a lot to say!