Leo Little's Big Show is a Disney Channel short television series featuring a boy named Leo Little and his sister, Amy Little, who host a show from their family room about Disney stars, movies and programs, in a manner very similar to its predecessor, Mike's Super Short Show. It began airing on February 26, 2009, replacing Disney's Really Short Report.
Raul and Soledad have been married for more than 27 years until she wants the divorce, but the national state of emergency prevents them. Despite not being able to stand another minute, both must continue to live together throughout quarantine under the same roof.
Youssef loves his son Islam very much and raises him to learn the teachings of the Islamic religion without exaggeration or racism and leaves his wife Maryam the freedom to pray and veil until she is convinced.
Absolute Genius with Dick and Dom is a British television series broadcast on CBBC and presented by Richard McCourt and Dominic Wood. In each episode the duo study the work of a genius and attempt to recreate one of their ideas, occasionally with some improvements using technology not available in the subject's lifetime. They are assisted by Fran Scott and experts in the field of what is being studied.