To summarize the story of this series, a verse from Hafez's poems has been used, which says: "In fulfilling your love, I am famous for my good fortune. He does and his wife is Yalda ...
There can be few better ways to reconnect to nature than coming nose to beak or cheek to jowl with wildlife. This extraordinary 6-part series reveals the best places on the planet to encounter the world's wildest animals. Discover where killer whales cruise the coastlines and grizzlies catch fish in the wild; trek deep into the jungle to meet silver-backed gorillas and embark on an African safari. From anacondas to zebras this is the ultimate guide to wildlife encounters the world over.
Watching animals care for their young is a powerful reminder of the bonds we all share as living species on the planet. Take a heartwarming look at baby animals as they playfully find their way in the world.
Mary shares her favourite Easter recipes, such as hot cross buns, simnel cake and roast lamb, and takes a look at how Christian communities all over the world celebrate Easter with special food.
Katriya, otherwise called by her nickname, Kat is interested in the business of gems. She entered her designs in a competition in hopes to make her name more known and also to get the chance to meet Paul Lee, a designer she admires greatly. However, when she meets him after winning 1st place, she realizes that they’ve already met before but due to a previous unsavory encounter, she starts to dislike him and hopes to not see him ever again. During her birthday party, Kat is given a Jade necklace from her dad and told to be an item that belongs to her mother. Unknowingly, that Jade necklace belongs to her biological mother, HuiSan, who’s going to die from cancer soon. As her dying wish to see Kat one last time, Kat decides to go visit her. After HuiSan dies, Kat is told to stay in Hong Kong to take over the family business as HuiSan's heir. Kat is hesitant because her family in Thailand is anticipating her return.