This family comedy drama revolves around two brothers and their families. Both of them lives in the same house which has left by their father in his will. This property dispute will left your eyes teared with laughter.
It's depict Anne's growth from a girl to a woman, through her bond with the siblings Matthew and Marilla, her friendship with Diana, and her romance with Gilbert.
This special concert is hosted by the comedian Zizan Razak featuring a selection of the best and most popular choice of current vocal artists to complement their selection of sensational songs.
Jian-zhong did not like going to school. At 18, his family factory went bankrupted, and his father ran away, leaving behind a huge debt. He could only stay by his mother who juggled various jobs. She would not sell the factory, and tried everything to pay the monthly mortgage payment. Shortly after Jian-zhong came back from military service, his mother passed away, further escalating the conflict between him and his father. At 41, Jian-zhong works away and rarely comes home. He returns for his mother’s bone collecting ceremony, but accidentally travels through time back to 1989, the crucial year in which the life of his family was turned upside down…
New Signature from Astro, where Malaysia's celebs fight to a singing showcase unlike no other.Every week our singer are tasked to elevate their peformance by performing THE HARDEST 60 sec act while singing
People speak the Arabic language in a wrong way, and hiccups spread among people, and people are so afraid of making a mistake and thus getting hiccups, they put adhesive tape on their mouths, and they talk among themselves in sign language, until one of the villagers finds a magic manuscript that he thinks will help them In the treatment of the disease that afflicted the people of the village.
Walang Iwanan is a 2015 Philippine family drama television series directed by Jerome Chavez Pobocan, starring child stars Louise Abuel, Raikko Mateo, Micko Laurente, John Michael and Karla Cruz, together with Roxanne Guinoo, Jhong Hilario, John Estrada and Beauty Gonzalez in their supporting roles.
To summarize the story of this series, a verse from Hafez's poems has been used, which says: "In fulfilling your love, I am famous for my good fortune. He does and his wife is Yalda ...