Set in the fictional Bollygum National Park, the series follows Blinky Bill, Mrs Magpie, Angelina Wallaby and Walter Wombat from the original _Blinky Bill_ books by Dorothy Wall, and adds new characters such as Charlie Goanna, Eric Echidna, Sybilla Snake and Kerry Koala from the neighbouring fictional Acadia Ridge park.
Classroom Confidential follows Phoebe Fulton and her sassy best friend Natalie as they work together to help the students of Attaway Middle and High School face their fears.
Through the adventures of the famous Flash characters, Mido and Suzy embark on many adventures with the scientist Mafhoom, the stupid sailor, the crushed citizen, and the miser Khalil.
Blizzard Island was a television show consisting of twelve episodes produced by CBC between 1987-1988. These episodes were later edited together to form the 1990 movie The Argon Quest.
The Beanies are a sincerely silly musical comedy trio. They're every child's best friend with a mission to bring back imaginative play! Laura, Mim, and Michael will get your Mini Beanies singing, dancing, and imagining along.