The new series goes behind the scenes of the multi-million-dollar animal travel industry to unearth a goldmine of touching stories of pets and animals who need to travel for work, play, medical reasons, or family reunions. The trailer shows pets who’ve been reunited with their loved ones, as well as exotic zoo animals that have been transported, and the return of rehabilitated marine life.
After saving a mysterious stranger trapped in a swamp with a bucket on his head, Bimble receives the bucket as thanks. He soon finds out that the bucket is magic and will give him anything he wishes for (for twenty-four hours). A witch called Dolly Clackhanger tries to steal the bucket from Bimble, many times, for her queen, Kak.
We follow the life of Jesus through an anthology, telling the phase of his life from child to adult, we also follow the greatest Brazilian politicians and the corruption that negatively affects Brazil, thus causing an Apocalypse.
Dear Aunt Agnes was a children's show on TV Ontario that debuted on Tuesday, Jan 7, 1986. The show's premise was that a divorced mother called her Aunt Agnes to come and take care of her children so that she could take a job in another country. Agnes Peabody was a lovable 65-year-old eccentric who moved in with her pre-teen nephew and teenage niece. Agnes was not fond of the seemingly modern amenities of her new home. Agnes was also very fond of Elvis Presley.
The show was designed for eight- to twelve-year-olds with a conscious effort to create a non-traditional family situation in which children are given the responsibility for a lot of their decisions. Cancelled after two 13-episode seasons, it aired in reruns before returning in 1989 with a new batch of episodes in which Andrew and Alex were all grown up. In this last season, the problems the kids encountered reflected issues that affect teens.