Storybook International is a British children's television series, produced for ITV by Harlech Productions, a part of HTV. The weekly, half-hour show was a collection of folk tales and fairy stories from all over the world, based on an anthology of stories for children published by Gollancz in 1981, edited by Veronica Kruger. Filmed in such locales as Russia, Ireland and Scandinavia, the series' live-action playlets were based on stories which originated in England, Czechoslovakia, France, Romania, Turkey, Wales, Israel, Norway, China, Africa, India and elsewhere. A few of the stories were campfire legends derived from the Native Americans of New England and the Maori of New Zealand.
First broadcast in 1983, it consisted of 65 episodes, aired as three separate series. Although its distribution was originally confined to Britain and Europe, Storybook International enjoyed extensive cable play in the US, Scandinavia and the Middle East in subsequent decades. Fitfully released on VHS throughout the 1980s and 1990, th
Zeinab Al-Shalaqani, a member of the Iron Women's Party, is a dictator who preaches democracy. She chooses everything for her sons and controls every detail of their lives. Suddenly, her son who has been absent for twenty years returns and tries to solve his brothers' problems with their mother.
Raya who comes from an aristocratic family was married to womanizer Phraya Wisut. She seems to be a saint who is kind and giving but is actually evil and merciless. When she finds a new girl who has caught the attention of her husband, she plans to get rid of the other wife, Juan, who was born as a slave in Wisut house.
Yok is the hated child in her family. Her father only loves his son. One day, Yok returns home late and she was greeted by an angry father. They get into a big argument which causes her to move out, and her father disowns her. Yok spends the last few years saving up to go to England with her aunt. Once she goes there, she becomes a chef and begins to get rich and famous. Will Yok and her father be able to reconcile their broken relationship?
When the planet's most dastardly microscopic villains wreak havoc in a realm entirely too small to be viewed by the naked eye, 9-year-old schoolboy Oscar transforms himself into Nanoboy -- the world's smallest superhero. Pals Isaac Neutron and the reformed virus Corona Jane support Nanoboy's heroics as they battle cellular villains, including evil proteins and bacteria.
Seven Sharp is a half hour long New Zealand current affairs programme produced by Television New Zealand. The programme was created after the axing of Close Up. It started on Monday 4 February 2013 at 7.00pm on TV ONE. Seven Sharp presents up to 8 stories within a 30 minute timeslot every night. Seven Sharp is also intended to be more integrated with social media and real time opinions.
Seven Sharp competes mostly with TV3 current affairs show Campbell Live but Seven Sharp also shares the same time slot with TV2 drama Shortland Street and Channel Four's The Simpsons.
Fill-in presenters include Stacey Morrison, Heather du Plessis-Allan, Te Radar, Clarke Gayford, Tamati Coffey and Rose Matafeo.
Set in the imaginary world of Nowhere Land a brave and smart girl named Maggie and her two friends the rather cuddly misnamed Beast and the very particular pig Hamilton Hocks show preschoolers that friendship makes everything more fun! Foster your child's curiosity and problem-solving skills with these episodes: Picnic Time, Recipe For Trouble, The Lemonade Stand, The Big Carrot, A Visit to Cake Town, and The Big Hat.
Pal Chinn was a drama series which ran on Star Plus from 1999. It was directed by Neena Gupta, and the veteran actor Manohar Singh was the main part of the show.