The Legend of Prince Valiant is an American animated television series based on the Prince Valiant comic strip created by Hal Foster. Set in the time of King Arthur, it's a family-oriented adventure show about an exiled prince who goes on a quest to become one of the Knights of the Round Table. He begins his quest after having a dream about Camelot and its idealistic New Order. This television series originally aired on The Family Channel from 1991 to 1994 for a total run of 65 episodes.
While rescuing his wealthy boss's daughter from kidnappers, Sugata Kageoh, struck by an electric shock, was given the ability to merge with his shadow and transform into Kagestar!
The Neuroi, an enemy of mankind, suddenly appeared mainly in Europe in the 1930s. Only girls with special magical powers called Witches could confront the Neuroi who were difficult to destroy with ordinary weapons. In 1944, the Neuroi nest above the republic of Gallia was eradicated, and safety of western Europe has been ensured. The allied forces earnestly began planning for an oppositional operation towards central and eastern Europe. An order to scramble is given to the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing "Brave Witches" whose base is in Peterburg within the Orussian Empire.
Germany, 1953. Corrupt gang of Soviet officers appropriated jewelry seized from repressed citizens. The officers take the young scout Terekhov and collector Avdeev, who recently left not so distant places, to guard the myriad wealth.
Japanese adaptation of the American TV Series "24". Genba Shido is the director of Team A in the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). He is excellent at his job and a reasonable person, but he often has to make drastic decisions to save lives.
Earth has developed a defense system against meteorites that are on a collision course with it. Mikaze a troubled girl that is a trainee pilot for a Meteor Sweeper team that dreams of becoming a prestigious Comet Blaster pilot.
No, that's not a skin-tight pink costume - it's her skin! She's Kekko Kamen, the dynamic denuded damsel who fights injustice in the altogether. Her mission? To expose rampant classroom corruption at the Big Toenail of Satan's Spartan Institute of Higher Education - all while repeatedly rescuing everyone's favorite victim, the beautiful (and often naked) Mayumi Takahashi, from the Institute's terrifying torture chamber!
In the decade since the world became aware of the existence of magic, the world has undergone massive upheaval. However, a boy named Tōta lives in seclusion in a rural town far removed from these changes. His ordinary life is highlighted by his magic-using female teacher and his supportive friends.
The suspension of student council president, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, has created a power vacuum at Basara Academy. Now, Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura find themselves vying for the top spot. But they aren’t the only ones with their eyes on the prize.
In a far away forgotten valley heaped with long-abandoned junk, a timeless battle rages between good and evil… and also between squishy and scaly, happy and grumpy, clever and wily… handsome and plain old ugly. This is the land of Bottersnikes and Gumbles.
Ray is an enigmatic adventurer with no traceable past who travels from place to place fighting crime and helping people in trouble. He refuses to be paid for his services; however, those seeking his assistance must promise him a favor.
The four episodes are set in Southtown, the imaginary city well known to all fans as the stage of numerous death matches throughout the KOF series. Many past heroes of the saga make their appearance here, and the four plots intertwine to create a large-scale drama, that is also linked to the story of KOF Maximum Impact 2.
It is the year 2074. In a world threatened by aliens... an unlikely hero emerges! Ken Izumi may look like an ordinary 10-year-old boy, but he secretly possesses weapons, armor, and accessories that transform him into the superheroic Chargeman Ken. Ken protects his mom, dad, little sister Caron, robot pal Barican, and the rest of mankind from the diabolical Juralians, shape-shifting alien invaders bent on terrorizing the earth. The only thing standing between the fragile human race and conquest by the Juralians is Chargeman Ken and his unquenchable thirst for fiery, atomic justice!
A woman's search to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of her husband leads her to the Congo, where she's forced to seek the truth about what happened to the man she loved.
A quartet of childhood pals who create a business together find themselves at the core of a powerful Moscow gang in the aftermath of an unplanned murder.