Sabrina: Secrets of a Teenage Witch is an American animated television series on Hub Network based on the Archie Comics character Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The series is developed by Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy and was acquired by Hub Network on October 1, 2012. The series was originally intended for a summer 2013 release but has since been pushed out to fall 2013.
Saïd leads a team of young elite cops and will have to find his place within his group while preventing a gang war from breaking out between Eric's family and that of the El Hassani brothers.
When his antiques dealer dad winds up in hospital following a rather mysterious accident, book-smart Barnaby teams up with NYC tough girl Nina to save the family's cash-strapped business.
On present day Earth, the brotherhood of humans and demons (youkai) has been broken. A corrupt and evil demon, Gyumao, is performing experiments that combine human science and youkai magic, causing all demons to go crazy. Now, Genjo Sanzo, a trash-taking Buddist monk, is given a mission: Deliver a sacred scroll, the Maten Scripture, to India. For the journey, he is teamed up with Son Goku, a 500-year-old demon, Sha Gojyo, a red-eyed half demon human, and Cho Hakkai, a school teacher turned demon. Together, the four of them must travel to India, but the road ahead will surely be full of speed bumps, and demon attacks.
Survival expert Bear Grylls puts himself into potentially life-threatening situations to show the how-to, hands-on, step-by-step instructions on everything you may need to know when faced with a worst case scenario.
Muay Thai champion Hoi Ching-hei manages to hold his ground in his farewell match. After a celebration, he abruptly dies as he quarrels with someone while saving a woman. Hoi Ching-nam reviews his elder brother Ching-hei’s boxing match video and finds out the cause of death has something to do with coach Shek Ngo-shan. Ngo-shan develops his boxing club business and transforms into a successful merchant. He is interviewed by famous TV presenter Man Sin-yin. To attain certain objective, socialite Lui Kin wants to gain a foothold in the realm of Muay Thai. She becomes a consultant to a combat sports association. She encounters Ngo-shan and develops a subtle relationship with him. To seek justice for his late elder brother, Ching-nam becomes boxing champion Yip Ying-fung’s disciple. With assistance from a wealthy man’s daughter, Kong Ka-ching, and his childhood buddy Shek Tsz-chung, Ching-nam is determined to step into the boxing ring and go after Ngo-shan.
Carola Casini (Araceli González) is a car racer, and has a changing relationship with another racer, Santiago Becerra (Juan Palomino), who recognizes Carola's skills at the wheel.
This is the plot line in which the different characters will move. Among them, Carola's coach, Vicente (Raúl Lavié), and the most diverse members of both families will play a very important part in her personal and professional life.
Spirou et Fantasio, or, Les nouvelles aventures de Spirou et Fantasio, was a French language animated TV show based on the Franco-Belgian comics series Spirou et Fantasio. It premiered in France in September, 2006.
A story developed in two different narratives which are interlinked. On the first one, the two friends Bruno Nogueira and Gonçalo Waddington (playing themselves) set out on a caravan trip through Portugal with the desire to escape from their daily lives and find a solution for their personal struggles. On the second one, there's the fictionalized making-off of the miniseries itself.
The fifth and final part of the cycle of Soviet television feature films, filmed by director Igor Maslennikov based on the stories of the English writer Arthur Conan Doyle about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. In the first part based on the works - "The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb", "The Adventure of the Second Stain". In the second part based on the works - "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans", and "His Last Bow".
Set in and around Bagdad of the old times ALI BABA AND THE 40 THIEVES is the highly entertaining tale of kind but luckless Ali, played by French superstar Gérard Jugnor who finds himself unwilling in the centre of multiple difficult situations.
The Famous Five is a British television series based on the children's books of the same name by Enid Blyton. It was first broadcast on Tyne Tees Television and HTV from 10/9/1995 onwards, and on CITV from 1/7/1996 onwards; there were two series between 1995 and 1997, produced by Zenith North and Tyne Tees in 26 twenty-five-minute episodes.
Journalist Alexander Vetrov is a sensation hunter. His specialty is mysterious incidents and murders. Each of his materials is the result of an independent investigation. Every now and then Alexander gets involved in dangerous adventures that can cost him his life. But even that doesn't stop the resourceful stringer. Alexander will have to solve the mystery of the return to the Sablinsky caves of the legendary strangler from the distant 50s, find the werewolves terrorizing the city, expose the criminals involved in organ transplantation, unravel the almost mystical case of the cursed apartment...
Classic Sonic is back to his dimension after the events of Sonic Forces. He discovers Eggman is collecting the Chaos Emeralds and already has four of them. Sonic must gather all the Chaos Emeralds before Eggman.