“Team Muhafiz” is an animated series, produced by ISPR and Geo Productions in association with AZ Corp. The story of Team Muhafiz revolves around normal human beings with no superpowers and animated thriller. The story will highlight the social issues, particularly the good and bad things in our society. The topics highlighted by “Team Myhafiz” are extortion, street crime, drug abuse, human trafficking, timber mafia, child labour and a lot more.
Georges Lancier is a former mercenary for hire. After he retires from business, he gets trapped in a complex conspiracy involving a diamond heist, international financiers, and struggle for political power in an imaginary African country.
In all four-wheel drive races, Honoka Tōshiba only uses the chariot left by his brother, so he can feel like fighting alongside his brother. Until one day, Alien is finally defeated and destroyed by another four-wheel drive driver. This shock made Honoka suddenly feel lonely and helpless, and even thought about giving up his favorite mini four-wheel drive. Fortunately, there are a group of friends around him who continue to encourage and support him, so Honoka once again Cheer up, he knows that he wants to work hard for the national championship. This is the purpose of his brother leaving the chariot to him. Maybe, the day he raises the championship trophy, his brother will come back to him... But , The difficulties ahead are definitely beyond Honoka’s imagination. Stretch, who broke with his father that year, has become a powerful new force in the mini four-wheel drive world. His racers and chariots are super strong and powerful. Unfathomable, and they all came to defeat Honoka!
The Aeronauts was a French children's TV series about two fighter jet pilots and their adventures. It was based on a comic book series by Jean-Michel Charlier and Albert Uderzo.
Made by French production company Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française between 1967 and 1970, its original French title was Les chevaliers du ciel.
The three seasons were originally filmed in colors but the first season was broadcast on French TV from September 1967 in black and white, as French television was only in black and white at the time. All three seasons, however, were later released in colors when the series appeared in a 6-DVD box in the early 2000s. This 6-DVD set is now sold out and used copies fetch high prices.
It was dubbed into English, retitled The Aeronauts and shown on UK children's TV in the early 1970s. In 1972 Rick Jones released a single of the anglicised theme tune. In 1976 a version dubbed into Afrikaans and titled Mirage was shown by the SABC in South Africa.
Inspired by Khon dance drama and Thai martial arts, a fighter scarred by the past joins forces with a determined cop to battle an organized crime ring.
A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von Mittgard seeks to steal his birthright, and rule the world as the Regent of Darkness. He has dispatched bloodthirsty minions to destroy Kujaku before he can awaken to his destiny. Now, Kujaku must unravel the riddle of his past, before the power within consumes him!
The economic situation is a nightmare: only 20% of the population is employed. The Actives live inside the city. On the fringes, in the Zone, live the Jobless. Separating them is a wall.
Talented senior engineer Craig Bakus must partner up with his adversary Don Wincroft, ex-wife Cheryl Wincroft and Reggie Walker, a young communications technician, to save the planet when a historic space launch triggers a massive solar storm that could wipe out mankind.
In the modern cultivation world, everywhere is law of the jungle, everyone feels insecure. After saving a cultivatior girl, the security guard Ma Yingxiong accidentally starts the journey of practicing cultivation.
Ultraseven X is the 23rd entry in the Tsuburaya Productions' long-running Ultra Series. It is a revival of the 1967 classic Ultra Seven, and is the first in Tsuburaya Productions' Ultra hero series to be exclusively for an adult audience and in wide screen high-definition format. The show first aired on October 5, 2007 at 2.15am on CBC and 2.25am on TBS.
On her 18th birthday, Nami witnesses the brutal murder of her parents by a man with a burn on his hand. She is then falsely accused of the crime and sent to jail. Sworn to vengeance, Nami battles corrupt officials and cruel inmates to escape prison, only to search through the underbelly of Japanese society to find the man with a burn on his hand, ‘stinging’ anyone in her way.
Van Hamilton’s first ever trip to his mother’s homeland, Finland, takes a wrong turn as soon as he gets off the plane. The 23-year-old rich kid from California was supposed to have a five-star holiday with his girlfriend Rachel. Instead, he is handcuffed and sent to faraway army barracks to be trained as a commando. Van soon realises that this is not a mistake: he has fallen into a trap set by his parents, who hope that serving in a foreign army will finally turn their loved but spoiled son into a responsible man. Meanwhile, Rachel has to learn to survive in Helsinki without money or a return ticket. She becomes friends with Van’s cousin and his underground rap trio in hopes that familiarizing herself with the customs of the “Nordic white trash” will send her academic career in sociology skyrocketing.