In a Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club series of original shorts, TV reporter Kiriko Nakazaki suddenly finds herself in the world of Kamen Rider Saber. Kiriko and Touma quickly discover they're trapped in a time loop as the Megid always revive after being defeated. Can Saber and Kiriko escape from the loop...?
At the beginning of time, a mystical meteor came crashing down from outer space and scattered all over the world. A piece of it landed in the Eastern Continent. There were mysterious totems carved upon the meteor, and people gathered around it wanting to discover its usage. They discovered the Way, and established The Tradition. Several thousand years later, the fourteen years old orphan Chen Chang Shang left his master to cure his illness and change his fate. He brought a piece of marriage vow with him to the capital, thus began the journey of a rising hero. The cartoon series is based on the novel Ze Tian Ji by Mao Ni and there is also a live action series called Fighter of the Destiny.
It is the year 2035, a world filled with advanced science and technology, sophisticated computer systems, audio/video multimedia conversations, world government unification, network wars by hackers, and the future world controlled by one huge multinational company. A 14-year old named Kang Maru, a boy with excellent maneuvering skills in a RESTOL simulation game was chosen by GEONOID, a company with the task of protecting the earth against natural calamities, to pilot RESTOL 03, one of the 5 RESTOLs, to rescue people in different calamities. Now, he and his teammates face different challenges in their duty, including being hacked into their space-based rescue station R-SAT.
Jet is a handsome man forced to become a hired gunman because of his dark past and problems. And one day, he is hired to kill a woman. It was suppose to be a simple job, however, it is complicated by the fact that his target, Sophita, is his ex-girlfriend's sister. This leaves him with only two options. To either protect Sophita or to kill her. What will he choose?
Kan, a hot-headed college freshman who is bad at socializing, is invited by his senior Ton to go on a motorcycle getaway trip with his friends. Kan invites his girlfriend, Toey, a third-year engineering student to go with him to get to know his friends. The trip seems fun until Kan's hot-headed nature brings about unexpected events.
Two hundred years have passed since mankind defeated the MME army and its leader, the artificial intelligence G.O.R.N. Earth has suffered war once more at the hands of Genova, the leader of a genetically modified evolution of humans known as the Yuman, and the effects of that war are visible even today. People now live in domed cities, population control is on the forefront of concern, and the planets are linked by a singular computer network. Now, fate strikes Earth once more as a Yuman man unleashes G.O.R.N. into the network, reviving its desires to exterminate humanity from the entire universe! It's up to the aging android Catty and a team of women to help save all mankind once more!
Max, a free-spirited drug trafficker, is making runs through the Middle East. Meanwhile, Mohammed, a man haunted by his past and on the run from those determined to kill him, is hiding out in the deserts of North Africa, unable to return home to the UK. Desperate for redemption, their paths converge in the Libyan desert as they are swept up in a nefarious Venezuelan cartel’s plot to transport uranium capable of fueling a nuclear bomb. Pursued by Cassie Elliott – a highly skilled CIA agent whose life mission is to prevent terrorists from acquiring a nuclear bomb – along with MI6 and a network of traffickers, Max and Mohammed find themselves in the absurd situation of, for once, having to be the good guys
A 3D-animated action series for kids ages 3-6, KINGDOM FORCE follows the fast-paced exploits of five mighty animal heroes as they serve and protect the citizens of five unique animal kingdoms.
Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma are the deadly duo, Oni-Baku (Demon Explosion), with the sole mission of losing their virginities. As they turn away from the gang life to accomplish this, old enemies resurface to haunt them, and new ones appear to take their fame.
A Web Anime based on Takara Tomy's Tomica Heroes Toy Cars toyline of the same name. The anime will feature "Braver" units, which combine job-related robots called "Jobroids" with "Armor Tomica" automobiles related to police, fire fighters, emergency medical personnel, trash collecting, and construction.
Universal Century 0096. Several months have passed since the incident surrounding Laplace's box also known as the Universal Century Charter. The Earth Federation Forces dispatches a group of investigators to the severed Axis which is drifting outside the Earth Sphere. Two civilians participate as members of the research group: Arlette Almage and Danton Hyleg. Both have pasts with government service to the Principality of Zeon and Neo Zeon as an engineer and test pilot. Having infiltrated Axis, the investigators come under attack inside a base where no one should be. Arlette and Dalton are confronted with an incident they never imagined.
Web series Dulhan Aur Aik Raat is about a bride's one-night thriller and whatever mysterious events happen at night. It has suspense, excitement, and a cinematic experience that won't make you take your eyes off from the screens.
The series has been produced by Farhan Gauher written by Mansoor Syed and directed by Rao Ayaz Shahzad.