Super Mario Bros. Z is a British fan-made flash-animated web series created by Mark Haynes. It is a crossover between the Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog franchises, while incorporating elements from the Dragon Ball Z series. The series follows Mario joining forces with Sonic the Hedgehog to prevent Turbo Mecha Sonic from collecting the seven Chaos Emeralds and destroying the world.
E.A.R.T.H. Force is an American action adventure television series starring Gil Gerard. The series aired 3 episodes on CBS from September 16, 1990, to September 29, 1990, before being canceled due to low ratings. The show is about an elite group, the Earth Alert Research Tactical Headquarters, that was brought together by a dying millionaire to prevent environmental disasters around the world.
Kanpai Senshi After V (Cheers Warriors After V) is a parody Super Sentai, which started on Japanese TV in 2014. It follows the late night outs of the Sentai hero team Golden Warriors Treasure V, focusing on their drinking parties over their battles against evil. Their nights out consists of food and drinks at a restaurant which happens to be staffed by the villains they are fighting against, before heading to the karaoke bar.
Ivanhoe was a BBC television series from 1970. The script was by Alexander Baron, based on Sir Walter Scott's novel of the same name. The director was David Maloney.
It was shown on the Sunday tea-time slot on BBC1, which for several years showed fairly faithful adaptations of classic novels aimed at a family audience. It was later shown on US television. It consisted of five 50-minute episodes.
It is not widely remembered nowadays, but is remembered favourably by some who do remember it, as one of the better BBC Sunday adaptations, and possibly more accessible to a late 20th-century audience than Scott's original novel.
The sudden technological civilization has shrouded the fog of war over the entire Kyushu continent, and the wonderful combination of magic and technology has become the kingly way to rule the world in the hearts of kings. However, the ancient talismans that have disappeared since ancient times, their mysterious power quietly controls the fate of the entire continent in the dark side of the dust of history.
The School is boring. That's not entirely true, as three Schools show. Schönfeld High School, Berlin School of Arts and the Hermann Gmeiner School. Every School experiences different Adventures. Adventure? Yes, this time the School will be different.