In a Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club series of original shorts, TV reporter Kiriko Nakazaki suddenly finds herself in the world of Kamen Rider Saber. Kiriko and Touma quickly discover they're trapped in a time loop as the Megid always revive after being defeated. Can Saber and Kiriko escape from the loop...?
Touno Hikari is learning to pilot robots at a training facility. While she cannot do anything right, her instructors are interested in her for some reason. As the students learn to pilot the robots, they become suspicious of the goal of the training facility. Marie Vlaanderen transfers into the facility, and her instructor says that Marie has been training for all of her life and has the best chance of awakening "it".
An anti-alien task force with battle suits based on advanced technology, Evolver, returns to finish the war they thought they ended against the Efreet. Only a small percentage of the population has the genetic factor that allows them to use Evolver technology, leading to a ragteam team with wildly diverging backgrounds: a stubborn schoolgirl, a disabled soldier, a practical desk clerk, and an amnesiac murderer. Evolver not only has to deal with the returning threat of the Ifreet, but with their own personal issues. A mysterious girl dressed in white that wants to unlock their inner power that could change the tide of battle...but at what cost?
Taking numbers instead of names, five extraordinary 10-year-olds form a covert team called the Kids Next Door with one dedicated mission: to free all children from the tyrannical rule of adults.
Charles Kingsford Smith, an adventurer, a crusader, a fighter, a lover. Against impossible odds, he went out to explore the sky, and soared higher than most.
Max, a free-spirited drug trafficker, is making runs through the Middle East. Meanwhile, Mohammed, a man haunted by his past and on the run from those determined to kill him, is hiding out in the deserts of North Africa, unable to return home to the UK. Desperate for redemption, their paths converge in the Libyan desert as they are swept up in a nefarious Venezuelan cartel’s plot to transport uranium capable of fueling a nuclear bomb. Pursued by Cassie Elliott – a highly skilled CIA agent whose life mission is to prevent terrorists from acquiring a nuclear bomb – along with MI6 and a network of traffickers, Max and Mohammed find themselves in the absurd situation of, for once, having to be the good guys
A 3D-animated action series for kids ages 3-6, KINGDOM FORCE follows the fast-paced exploits of five mighty animal heroes as they serve and protect the citizens of five unique animal kingdoms.
A Web Anime based on Takara Tomy's Tomica Heroes Toy Cars toyline of the same name. The anime will feature "Braver" units, which combine job-related robots called "Jobroids" with "Armor Tomica" automobiles related to police, fire fighters, emergency medical personnel, trash collecting, and construction.
Universal Century 0096. Several months have passed since the incident surrounding Laplace's box also known as the Universal Century Charter. The Earth Federation Forces dispatches a group of investigators to the severed Axis which is drifting outside the Earth Sphere. Two civilians participate as members of the research group: Arlette Almage and Danton Hyleg. Both have pasts with government service to the Principality of Zeon and Neo Zeon as an engineer and test pilot. Having infiltrated Axis, the investigators come under attack inside a base where no one should be. Arlette and Dalton are confronted with an incident they never imagined.