The series revolves around the adventures of Pepe, a wicked boy who lives in a dark mansion with his grandmother, a witch who works selling artifacts and magic potions in the internet. She always send her grandson to deliver them. Each episode Pepe and his friends (Marilu, Roberto, Guto and Gastón) undergo supernatural adventures facing the various monsters in the city.
Private detective Jack Carter is nothing if not eccentric: penniless, he lives, eats and sleeps at the office. When it comes to work, he accepts only those rare cases that intrigue him and leave other detectives mystified. No investigation is too strange or unusual to dishearten Carter.
After being recently discharged from military service and just drifting through life, Hanbin Ryu is suddenly transported to another world. However, his "guide line," the system bestowed upon him to help with his survival and growth, was filled with errors, causing him to be stuck in the tutorial stage for over 20 years. When he is finally released from this personal hell, he finds everyone has turned against otherworlders like him. Just how will this low-level, super-tutorial newbie survive?
Neo is a stripper who is running away from the loan shark Thana and his gang, after having an affair with Thana's wife Vanika. One day, the criminals find him in the bar where he works. In attempting to escape, he ends up bumping into two people who will change his life: Shin, a gay boy, the son of Thana, who is frustrated at being rejected by a friend; and Miw, the manager of a gogo bar who is running away from her past. Accidentally, they end up killing one of the gang members who was chasing Neo, which makes them enemies of the gang. Now all three need to find a solution to escape from this situation together, while at the same time managing the physical and sentimental attraction that arises between them.
Six-part web series that presents an alternate take on the origins of Judge Dredd's arch-nemesis - a demonic creature known as Judge Death that sees life itself as a crime. Can Dredd survive a clash with such foe and save his niece?
Forlorn is a seven part series of shorts created by Alex St. Pierre and powered by Unreal Engine. It tells the story of a mercenary treasure hunter as she makes her way through an ancient forgotten city, encountering various obstacles and curiosities within.
Follows Diego De La Vega, who after a family tragedy returns to El Pueblo de Los Angeles. There, he encounters a system of injustice and corruption that inspires him to adopt the identity of Zorro, a masked vigilante.
The Lancer EVO-driving group "Emperor" have defeated every racing team they've met in the Gunma region. Now they're out to challenge the duo of Mako and Sayuki and their SilEighty - the Impact Blue of Usui Mountain.
UFC heavyweight champ and 3x King of Pancrase, Bas Rutten, has surveyed hundreds of hours of footage and found the best examples of punks who have gotten away with their crimes. Along with the hottest stars of MMA, motocross, and skateboarding, Bas will reenact each scenario, demonstrating the necessary combat moves one would need to survive on the streets. Watch out punks; it’s time for the little guy to take charge in Punk Payback.
Inspector Carlos and his loyal companion, the friendly dog Lobo, fight crime while patrolling Brazil's highways in a Simca Chambord or a powerful Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Iris struggles to balance her personal life with her restaurant job — and her secret mission of destroying an evil crime syndicate determined to take over New York City.