For Whom the Bell Tolls is a British television series first aired by BBC in 1965, based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway. It stars John Ronane, Ann Bell, Julian Curry, Glynn Edwards and Joan Miller. The film was adapted for television by Giles Cooper and was directed by Rex Tucker. It consisted of four 45-minute episodes, the first of which aired on 2 October 1965. According to the BBC archives none of the episodes of the film still exist.
Gifted with their ancestors' virtues, the heroes featured in these adventures are these characters: Hercules and his friendly dog Cerberus, Hua Mulan and the friendly eagle Tylli, the Ninja Turtle Dragon, Ulysses--assisted by a Ram and Bear, King David and the cheetah Betsy, the Thief of Baghdad--aided and abetted by his cave lion Yubba, Jerome and the friendly cave cougar Bloody Knife with the buffalo Wapi, the protective Blue Yeti, and two little dinosaurs named Knock and Hit.
Two families join forces for a sailing holiday, but after their navigation equipment stops working, they find themselves stranded on a mysterious island that doesn't seem to exist on any maps. But they are not alone.
Sun returns to form the 'Bangkok Boy' gang to avenge his father and friends, but falls in love with Peace, a Korean boy who is the son of the man who killed his father and friends. When revenge comes with love, how will their story end?
The brutal murder of a Kabaddi captain introduces us to Bosco the only living underworld gang lord in the city. The assassination attempt on the Chief Minister at a painting exhibition is unsuccessful thanks to his bulletproof vest, but his bodyguards are killed. Journalist Asmi witnesses the attack and breaks the news, gaining a lead to investigate.
Flashback story begins with a revenge for killing a father of a smuggling family by another smuggling family, and then engage the two families in endless tribal conflicts.
The boat bombing of Anupong (Kriengkrai Unhanan), owner of the Andaman Pearl Resort and Hotel, leaves Techin (Mick Thongraya), his only son. She had to hurry back to Pearl Island with her mother Nalinee (Savitree Samipak) , as soon as she returned from a once peaceful island. was almost on fire When Nalinee meets Pasika (Seffani Awanik )A young woman she understands is the new wife of her ex-husband Anupong. Nalinee tried to expel Pasika from the island, but was unable to do so because the will stated that Pasika has to work here for 2 years and help Techin with his work. Techin and Pasika have to work together in the midst of many conflicts. He had met Phasika in a foreign country before. Phasika was Techin's love at first sight, but Techin was deeply disappointed when the woman he loved became his father's wife.