Chousei Kantai Sazer-X translated as Super Star Fleet Sazer-X is a tokusatsu superhero TV series produced by Toho Company Ltd., and Konami. This series is the third in Toho's Seishin series. The series last 38 episodes and was the last of the Chouseishin franchise after its cancellation. It deviates from its predecessors in several ways, in that it is more comedic in nature and is much more Science-fiction-orientated in contrast to fantasy.
When Lizel mysteriously finds himself in a city that bears odd similarities to his own but clearlyisn't, he quickly comes to terms with the unlikely truth: this is an entirely different world. Even so, laid-back Lizel isn't the type to panic. He immediately sets out to learn more about this strange place, and to help him do so, hires a seasoned adventurer named Gil as his tour guide and protector. Until he's able to find a way home, Lizel figures this is a perfect opportunity to explore a new way of life adventuring as part of a guild. After all, he's sure he'll go home eventually... might as well enjoy the otherworldly vacation for now!
An interesting and diverse series that presents stories of betrayal, crime, and struggles over power and wealth. On the other hand, stories of passion and love are not devoid of deception, despite wearing the characteristics of love.
My Neck is an original live-action anime inspired series, set in a world where the sport (or "art" depending on who you ask) of 'Necking' is common place - in which 'Neckists' compete against each other to slap the back of their opponent's neck for pride and honor.
The Police administration is searching for Charlie. Is he dead or alive? No one knows. But there is someone who claims to be Charlie, and we need to find the story between the lines.
Ugo, the Spirit of Flipnote, appeared out of Mome Kugou's new 3DS claiming that she could become a god-tier artist if she joined the Flipnote Warriors. Mome agreed, but she still hasn't had any good experiences yet and begins to doubt if she'll really become a good artist this way.
Agimat: Ang Mga Alamat ni Ramon Revilla presents Pepeng Agimat, more popularly known as simply Pepeng Agimat was the second installment of the Philippine weekly mini-series Agimat: Ang Mga Alamat ni Ramon Revilla aired by ABS-CBN that started November 7, 2009 and ended on February 27, 2010. The character of Pepeng Agimat is portrayed by Jolo Revilla.