Straight Title Robot Anime is a CG anime that first aired on February 6, 2013 in Japan. The anime is created with the MikuMikuDance animation software, and is the first MMD-based program to air on TV.
Operation Junkyard debuted in fall 2002 as part of the Discovery Kids Saturday morning programming schedule. Essentially a spin-off of TLC's popular series Junkyard Wars, OP/JY featured teams of teens that were challenged to build gadgets out of junk in six hours. Teams featured on the show include the Rummaging Robots and Jurassic Junkers, and the teams were tasked to build gadgets like water bailing machines, mud scooters, and remote control battleships.
At the beginning of each show the challenge of the day was revealed and teams attempted to collect "bodgits" by completing small challenges. "Bodgits" were helpful advantages that teams could earn, including time with the on-set engineer or special parts for use in their build.
War has begun! The richest president, Mr. P, has declared on the poorest country in the entire world. Marley Russell, after suspiciously getting fired from his job, teams up with Eddy, and old man Crove to take on the evil that is Brawnsville...
The Methos Chronicles is a 2001 animated internet Flash series based on Methos, a character drawn from Highlander: The Series. Peter Wingfield was the voice actor for the main character of the short series, which lasted only one eight-episode season. The animation quality was considered by most to be poor, but it has found something of a cult following amongst die-hard Highlander fans. The Chronicles had eight flash animated episodes, and most of the episodes contained flashbacks of Ancient Egypt. The series was left incomplete in 2001, but new fan-made episodes complete the history.
The year is 2800 and Lufas Maphaahl—The Black-Winged Tyrant, Great Conqueror, and leader of the Twelve Heavenly Stars—has returned. A man wakes up in the body of his MMO character 200 years after her defeat during an player-made event in the game, Exgate Online. Now, he's stuck in her body. But this isn't a game, it's real. With her reign long over, and her legacy one of fear, Lufas must journey through the world of Exgate, looking for answers, possible comrades, and all the monsters her "death" unleashed upon the world...
Seven - The Ashvamedha Prophecy is a fiction-based television series that airs on Sony Entertainment Television starting January 1, 2010 at 9pm IST. The series is produced by Yash Chopra, and stars Rakesh Bapat and Shama Sikander. The writer of this show is Anuraadha Tewari the writer of the film Fashion. The director of the show is Siddhart Anand Kumar.
Gini Awi saha Gini Keli sinhala teledrama is an adaptation of the series of book by the same name and it was a very successful teledrama which aired in 2014. And the script for this tele-drama was written by Saranga Mendis Based on the series of books written by Anura Horeshus. Gini Awi Saha Gini Keli is still considered an absolute masterpiece even after it ended broadcasting on Derana TV. This was so popular that the viewers of this tele-drama actually went on to research about the information of the drama. This story was created into a teledrama because of its morally ambiguous content. That is why Gini Awi saha Gini Keli manages to be a fan favorite despite its controversial content.
Huangli Shi, according to legends, refers to a Fangshi who can alter the effects of seasonal solstices, solar terms, and festivals, and is able to predict each day’s fortune. Xiao Nanzhu, an unemployed young man, decided to take on his usual job that has been passed down for generations, after being inspired by his childhood friend. Now he just wants to call 110. Chuxi: What are you looking at? You don’t want to live past new year’s eve? Chuba: Today’s fortune is terrible, nothing’s going to turn out right. I’m afraid there might be a… bloody disaster.