The story revolves around the adventures of four pets: two cats named Honey and Bunny, a dog named Zoradar and a parrot named Popat, who live in a cozy house, owned by Miss Katkar. The pets always set off on fun and crazy adventures together. While they are usually sweet and well-mannered, the pets also save their town from evil men and thieves and help the good and poor people.
Three children are forced to spend their summer holidays at a school. During a picnic, they make a discovery which will lead them into many strange adventures.
Katitzi Taikon is a gypsy girl who at first lives at an orphanage. She is not happy there, so she is returned to her family. The Taikon's live at different camps. They are pushed by police and authorities.
There were 12 statues symbolizing the 12 wisdoms to keep the world in peace. However, the evil ‘Muspell’ corrupts the 12 statues into Takers and colors the world with the power of darkness. Now the only hope for restoring peace is the Mask Masters, those chosen by the Mask to protect heaven's wisdom!
Next Star is a Romanian TV show broadcast on the Romanian television station Antena 1 to discover talent for those aged 3 to 13 years. The top prize is 20,000 euros. The show is presented by Dan Negru and the jury composed of Pepe, CRBL, Alina Eremia and Dorian Popa,And from the 9th season the jury will change again will be composed of Pepe, Alina Puşcaş CRBL, and Dorian Popa. In 5 seasons the jury was composed of Pepe, Connect-R, Maria Cârneci, Lora and Vasile Muraru. Famous performers from Romania and elsewhere occasionally take part to co-sing with the children.
The show was launched in 2013 and the first winner was Omar Arnaout, a Romanian of mixed Lebanese-Romanian origin. In later seasons, children from other countries were qualified to participate to become "Next Star International". Also besides solo participants, children band were also allowed to take part in competition
The tiny planet Flossy floats in a colorful universe populated by alien children of all kinds. Flossy hosts a very special place: the Game Catchers Headquarters! To help the Game Catchers in their mission there’s Mr. Moustache, a nice alien, who has dedicated his whole life to studying games to teach them to new generations.
Every day, they go on a mission to explore each planet in the universe, make friends with its inhabitants and discover their favorite games. Each game is different depending on the planet and the Game Catchers want to discover them all!