Insektors is a 1994 French animated TV series about a conflict between two tribes of anthropomorphic insects: the Joyces and the Yuks. Made in a small studio, Fantome, in France, it was the 1994 recipient of a "Children and Young People" Emmy Award. It was directed by Georges LaCroix and Renato, and written by Eric Rondeaux, Véronique Herbaut and Marc Perrier.
Adi and his alien pet Woops go out to discover space on board their spaceship. They explore planets, stars, comets and other curiosities of the Universe.
This series brings to life the classic tales of Rupert the Bear. Each week we join Rupert and his pals as they venture into magical worlds of enchantment, intrigue and danger.
Zuzubaland is a kingdom of goodies. The mountains are of ice cream, the rivers of chocolate, the sun is of candy and the moon is of honey. In this world of hotness, the bee Zuzu and his friends have fun adventures.
Follow Charlie, Kirby, and Patrick as they travel around the United States to learn about different kinds of trees—and what makes nature incredibly awesome. Science and history are explained with paper cutouts and goofy girl Casey back at headquarters.