Animated Tales of the World is a 2001 American animated series that aired on HBO. It won two Primetime Emmy Awards in 2001, for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation and Outstanding Voice-Over Performance for Peter Macon.
Each short follows the adventures of the intrepid Jelly, her brainy little brother, Ben, and Pogo, a young sea monster who is always ready to get the party started. Jelly and Ben’s family are of Filipino heritage, and the show is infused with Filipino culture throughout, including the Tagalog language and food and music from the Philippines. The three best friends help their neighbors – and each other – by identifying a problem and working together to find a solution, often using STEAM concepts and always understanding the unique perspectives and needs of those they are helping.
Loki schemes with Thanos to win back control of Thanos' Battleworld, but what the Mad Titan doesn't realize is that Loki is after a mythical weapon: The Twilight Sword. Follow your favorite Marvel heroes as they try to stop Loki.
Tondar and Tandak, who have started a long and adventurous journey with Lucky, learn interesting and new things about the types of animals and vegetation of their territory.
Stirred by Custard and Buzz putting together their family tree, orphaned Kea travels down to Queenstown, New Zealand, in a bid to find his family and why he was abandoned by them.