Mahō no Mako-chan is a Japanese anime series by Toei Animation. The story is loosely based on the Hans Christian Andersen tale The Little Mermaid. The series has been dubbed into various languages including French, Spanish, Polish and Italian. It is also often known as Mako the Mermaid, Mako-chan’s Magic, Syrenka Mako and Magical Mako-chan.
Mahō no Mako-chan aired in 1970 via Nippon Educational TV, which is now TV Asahi.
Claymation show about a group of savvy ethnically diverse preschool friends who have fun adventures in their idyllic little town, Discovery City, and are always ready to help animals and others in need. Based on a popular toy brand.
The series follows 5-year-old Birdy, who, with the help of her amazing teacher and new friends, uses her imagination to express her fears, excitement and joy through big Broadway-style song and dance numbers, proving that kindergarten is just like a big stage and there is nothing a good song can’t fix.
An original program that in the mid-80s brought the world of art and literature closer to children and young people. Its protagonist and presenter was Flip, a girl who lived on her white planet with the only company of her invisible friend Muc.
Life on the high seas is a whirl of fun and adventure when you’re a little boat with big ideas. An eager and energetic tug in his first year of service, Toot works and plays with his ocean-going friends in the busy waters of the Harbour, a thriving coastal port which serves its local community.
Six years after the defeat inflicted on Qilby by Yugo and his team, tears flow again in Amalia's kingdom. To prevent this, the heroes must find the six missing Dofus.
Lockdown is an event series that follows a group of bored quarantined teens working together online to solve a mystery involving one of their neighbors - a mystery which ultimately places them all in danger.
Win or Lose follows a co-ed middle school softball team called the Pickles in the week leading up to their big championship game. Each 20-minute episode takes the same events from one different member of the Pickles and their perspective as the game approaches, such as players, their parents, and the umpire, with two stories being showcased in particular.
In Yongsheng Town, there is an AI school bus that belongs exclusively to Sunshine Forest Kindergarten. He is smart, brave and full of wisdom. He is not only a hero in the hearts of children, but also an indispensable mentor and helpful friend to them. He is the school bus Goethe. Whenever children encounter difficulties, the school bus Goethe immediately transforms into a fire truck, police car, ambulance, rescue boat and airplane to rush to the scene, using various interesting props to resolve crises and answer children's questions.
Jam Van is an animated series aimed at kids that follows the exploits of Anne and Lamb as they drive across the country and hang out with some of the biggest names in contemporary music - all of whom have a song to perform. Special guest stars include Boyz II Men, Sheryl Crow, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and many more!
Mickey invites preschoolers to play along as he talks about everyday topics familiar to their lives, including morning and nighttime routines and packing a backpack.
Digby is in the Dog House - literally - and none too thrilled about it. Why should he be? After all, he is a police detective, or was... until a car accident transported his brain, voice and personality into Spot the dog. Digby makes for one wisecracking, opinionated St. Bernard who has a unique perspective on humans.
When the heroes are not on a mission, Cat Noir takes every opportunity to try to seduce Ladybug, but she only has eyes for Cat Noir's alter ego Adrien.