The Wild House was a serialised children's programme produced between 1997 and 1999 broadcast by the BBC. The idea was created by Jean Buchanan, and later series were written partially by Mark Haddon, author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. It follows the life of Natalie Wild and the other members of the Wild family.
The Magic Hills are a fairyland. It so happened that one day it was divided into four parts. Winter has remained forever on one Hill, spring on another, summer on the third, and autumn on the fourth. Funny little animals live on every Hill. But they don't know anything about each other.
And then one day Vestochka — the Star Postman — decided to make friends with them all. To do this, she gave Elka the bear a magical dreamy telescope. Look into it at the place where you want to go, and you're already there.
The Bite-Sized Adventures of Sam Sandwich is a Disney Junior short series. It follows the adventures of a superhero sandwich named Sam and his sidekick Salad Lad, as they battle an assortment of villains who exist for no other reason than to give kids junk food.
The Cry Babies Magic Tears Nala, Coney, Lady, Lea, Lala and Dotty, live and feel through their imagination. Every day is a new adventure and since they are babies sometimes they cry in some situations. However in this fantastic world they only weep for love, happiness and joy and their tears carry magical power.
Patrick Troughton stars in this children's fantasy tale with dark undertones. When a young schoolboy is given a box for safekeeping by a mysterious magician, little does he know the wondrous things he’ll soon discover.
Harry Batt is a one-off BBC 1 comedy starring Ian Kirkby as the "Geordie copper" DI Harry Batt, following his pursuit of a soft furnishings bouncer gang.
Ponyland is full of excitement, if you know where to find it! Join the 7 Pony Friends—Starlight, Sweetheart, Melody, Bright Eyes, Patch, Clover and Bon Bon — for games, picnics, ice cream shops, roller derbies and even UFOs… nothing is off-limits when it comes to grand Pony adventures!
Stella and Sam is a preschool television series based on the Canadian book series "Stella" and "Sam" by Marie-Louise Gay and published by Groundwood Books Inc. The second season of the series is currently in production with Radical Sheep Productions and Family Channel. The French-language version of the show Stella et Sacha premiered on Playhouse Disney Tele on Sunday, October 3, 2010 while the English-language version of the series will premiere on Playhouse Disney on Sunday, January 9, 2011.
The show's theme music is performed by singer Emilie Mover.