Cave Kids is a 30-minute short-lived animated series and spin-off of The Flintstones starring Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera for Cartoon Network and aired in 1996. The series followed the adventures of Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm as pre-schoolers with Dino, the Flintstones' family dog as their babysitter. Unlike the original Flintstones series and its several spin-off productions featuring the kids and their famous parents, this show focused more on educational values and lessons for children.
An earlier Cave Kids effort was published by Golden Press, both as a Little Golden Book in 1963, and also as a Gold Key Comics series spanning 16 issues from 1963 through 1967.
A children's series with puppets and actors, produced by the Sofianos family. In it stars a little girl, Paraskevi, and her box of puppets which are named Sevastianos, Fiogkos, Rouchlas and Melia. As soon as night falls and Paraskevi goes to her bedroom to sleep, she opens the box and the puppets recount to her folk tales from all over the world. The fairy tales were collected by Ivi Sofianou from libraries in Munich. The series premiered on Friday, February 5, 1988 and ran for 22 episodes.
Mickey's Mousekersize is a short series based on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse airing on the Disney Junior programming block. It premiered on February 14, 2011. Characters featured in the short series are Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Clarabelle Cow, and Toodles.
The Animated Series' main protagonist is Pampalini - a brave but clumsy Animal Hunter who is determined to catch some wild beasts (or not so much). Although he hasn't caught a single one yet he's still trying to do so. Maybe next time...
Puppet chicken Chica and her friends and family run The Costume Coop, a fun-filled shop full of costumes. While dressing up and helping customers, she and the viewers learn valuable life lessons. And when the shop closes, they embark on animated adventures that further convey each episode's message.
Aki Light may seem like a regular, robot schoolboy, but when the villainous Sgt. Night and his team of Robot Masters emerge with ill-intentions, Aki transforms into Mega Man and dedicates himself to protecting Silicon City.
The franchise's story centers on wizards who gather mazica in order to save the world. Junior high school student Kezuru wakes up after a strange dream featuring himself as a wizard, a creature called "mazin," and a mysterious girl. The next day, his friend Kuracchi proudly shows off the newly launched Mazica Party card game. To Kezuru's shock, all the characters drawn in the game's cards are just like the ones in his dream.