The story follows Dudley, a dragon who recently woke up from centuries of hibernation and his new ten-year-old friends Matt and Sally. The two kids would guide Dudley around the modern world and the trio would learn about environmentalism, friendship and pro-social values.
During the war a child who was left in a village was found by a group of Gypsies. The called the boy Tarun and soon he learned to respect Gypsies customs, learned how to survive, and how to earn for a living by weaving baskets. Other people called him White Gipsy.
The tiny planet Flossy floats in a colorful universe populated by alien children of all kinds. Flossy hosts a very special place: the Game Catchers Headquarters! To help the Game Catchers in their mission there’s Mr. Moustache, a nice alien, who has dedicated his whole life to studying games to teach them to new generations.
Every day, they go on a mission to explore each planet in the universe, make friends with its inhabitants and discover their favorite games. Each game is different depending on the planet and the Game Catchers want to discover them all!
This epic adventure narrates the adventures of the Olocoons, odorous magical beasts that must save the planet from different dangers and threats, and maintain peace in their world.
Rosie's Rules is an animated preschool comedy series that follows the adventures of Rosie Fuentes, an inquisitive and hilarious 5-year-old girl just starting to learn about the wow-mazing world beyond her family walls. And she is ready to learn it figuring it out herself.
Six-year-old Will Ballantine can't wait to do all the things big kids get to do, but he needs the right direction. That's where his best friend - a silly, shape-shifting frog named Dewitt - comes in.