Plim Plim, Hero´s heart, is an Argentine animated television series created by Que Lindo Entertaiment and Smilehood, broadcast on Disney Junior for all Latin America. The pre-release was aired on September 21, 2011 and was officially launched on October 1 of the same year. This animated series consists of 7-minute-long episodes and its main goal is to promote human values such as solidarity, honesty, responsibility, early habits and respect for the environment. This series is inspired from and based on the teachings of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar the founder of Art of Living Foundation.
Children's nature series. Andy Day embarks on wild adventures with his puppet friend Kip the cat. Their adventures take them all around the world in search of weird and wonderful animals.
Rainbow Bubblegem recounts the magical adventures of seven mermaid princesses who must go to school on land to search for enchanted jewels to save their undersea realm from an evil witch.
Noddy is a little wooden man who lives in his own little House-for-One in Toyland. Noddy loves driving his friends around Toytown in his little red and yellow taxi. Noddy's best friends are Big Ears, Tessie Bear, Bumpy Dog and the Tubby Bears.
Lavezzi Rutjes looking for The Mole. Every week he speaks in the studio about the episode. The missions and the behavior of the candidates. Does Lavezzi succeed to find that one question?
Mr. Anthony is a sympathetic preschool teacher. His students often come to him with their problems, most dealing with difficult emotional issues they are facing and at their age do not quite understand. Mr. Anthony helps them overcome their emotions using his alter-ego, Napkin Man, a cartoon character he draws on a napkin and who comes to life as Mr. Anthony tells how Napkin Man has dealt with the issue before in helping another young person in destress
Joey Kangaroo, his mother "K.O." Katy Kangaroo and Sidney Squirrel must stop the Monkeybiz Gang members Bingo, Bango, Bongo, and Fred, four meddlesome monkeys who are known from making trouble at the local zoo run by the zookeeper Mr. Friendly. Part of CBS "Saturday Supercade".
The Milkshake! Show is a series about the presenters of Milkshake! living in a house with their house pets. Every so often, you're invited into their home and they go on challenges, play games, tell jokes, and visit the Little Lodgers (claymation versions of the characters).