Shima Shima Tora no Shimajirō is a Japanese anime show aimed at preschoolers. The series debuted on December 13, 1993. Shimajiro was formed in 1988, followed by Kodomo Charenji. It was featured on the E! "The Soup" segment.
Years ago, the gods fought against each other before being sealed away. However their artifacts remained in the souls of the HuaXia clan as part of a contract and hope that someday in the future, they will awaken once more using those artifacts.
Kenneth Grahame’s literary classic ‘Wind in the Willows’ springs to life in this new series following the further adventures of the much loved characters: kind and considerate Mole, reliable Rat and of course incorrigible Toad. Situated on and around the river that is such a big part of their lives and landscape, they are now joined by irrepressible Hedge the Hedgehog, Kingfisher, Heron and Adder.
And let’s not forget the scheming Weasels who still want to take over Toad Hall, for whomever controls Toad Hall controls the River. The series embraces all the values of the original book – endeavour, adventure, teamwork and kindness – and is set to become a modern classic.
The story begins on a tiny island called Morrowland, which has just enough space for a small palace, a train station and rails all around the island, a grocery store, a small house, a king, two subjects, a locomotive named Emma, and a locomotive engineer by the name of Luke.