Follows the problem-solving adventures of an adorable hedgehog and ladybird best friend duo, Pep and Tabitha, in a charming and unique community. The brightness of the light in Happy Town depends on the townsfolks glee, so each time it starts to fizz out, the duo set out on a mission to make the sign shine bright again by helping others and encouraging everyone to help each other too.
A series that aims to deliver information across different sex/sexuality related themes. In an honest style with a lot of humor. Featuring a curious 7-year-old boy, Pappu - who shoots the most outrageous questions to his Papa, Anand.
The story tells the adventures of Leo, a boy with an authentic passion for the Egyptians. He has to face the dangers of the parallel world of Egyxos, which is divided into two armies: the gold and the black.