Rayman: The Animated Series, or The Rayman TV Series, is a French 3-D animated children's television series featuring the French video game hero Rayman. Created by Ubisoft and based on the Rayman adventure game series, the show was originally in French but was dubbed into various languages for foreign countries. Ubisoft was able to produce only four episodes and never managed to broadcast its episodes in the United States.
Carols in the Domain is an annual Australian Christmas concert event held in the Domain Gardens in Sydney. It began in 1983, and features many national and international performers and guest appearances. it is broadcast around Australia on the Seven Network and simulcast on Smooth FM. The free event has traditionally been held on the last Saturday before Christmas Eve exclusive; however, from 2016 it has been held on the last Sunday before Christmas Eve exclusive. Carols in the Domain has become one of Australia's largest free Christmas events
Aya and Yusuf are two adorable and adventurous 6-year-old twins with a passion for exploring the world around them. The series focuses on embracing family values such as helping those in need, accountability, gratitude, protecting the environment, and celebrating God's creations.
The adventures of a playful community of tiny magical gardeners known as Lilybuds. This fraternity of funny friends tend to the extraordinary garden where they live while caring for all the animal creatures that live nearby.
We invite Australia's most iconic performers and entertainers to perform a song, story or nursery rhyme in the very special series Play School Celebrity Covers.
Robbi, Tobbi und das Fliewatüüt is a German television series for children. It showed the adventures of a pupil called Tobias Findteisen who accompanied the robot ROB 344–66/IIIa to help with the latter's exam at robot school. The team travels in an all-in-one vehicle, designed by Tobbi and built by Robbi, to find answers to the exam's riddles all over the world.
Jump into the water with scuba diver Sam and discover the amazing world of underwater animals. The Sam Cam gives you a secret look at her ocean adventures, which she goes on with aquarium experts whose exclusive interviews add more fun to the journey.