TV Colosso was a Brazilian children's television series produced by Rede Globo, that began on April 19, 1993, and finished on January 3, 1997. The show utilized puppets, body puppets, remote-controlled animatronics and bluescreen puppets. It stars a group of working dogs in a TV station that struggle to put her TV shows on air.
The show presented "Jornal Colossal"; "Clip-Cão"; "Pedigree", a parody of Rede Globo's soap operas; "As Aventuras do Super-Cão"; "Olimpíadas de Cachorro"; "Acredite Se Puder" satirizing the Ripley's Believe It or Not! ; "ColosShow"; "Asfalto Quente"; "Aprendendo Prá Cachorro"; "CapaShow"; and others.
The show was created by Luiz Ferré, a graphic artist, who also created its characters; and directed by J. B. de Oliveira, famous for Rede Globo's hits No Limite and Big Brother Brasil. The puppets were created by Criadores e Criaturas, Ltda. and made by Roberto Dornelles from Grupo 100 Modos de Teatro de Bonecos.
It was a big hit on Brazil and worldwide, but
A Thousand and One... Americas is an animated television series originally produced from 1989 to 1991 in Spain by BRB Internacional to celebrate the 5th centenary of Christopher Columbus' voyage to America.
The series focuses on the adventures of Chris, a 10 year old boy, and his yellowish dog Lon. Chris accidentally discovers an old book at the attic which belonged to his grandfather, which he brought with him from his journeys. The book makes him and his dog drift through imagination to historical occurrences of different nations which lived in America before it was discovered by Columbus in 1492.
The series has been dubbed and subtitled in English, Spanish, Serbian and Hebrew.
Karlsson's grandmother is the world's best racing driver and Karlsson is not so bad either. Kaxige Kirre challenges Karlsson in a box car race. Now it is up to Karlsson and Lillebror to build a really fast car so that they can give Kirre what he can stand. Little brother has made a kite at school that he wants to test fly with Bosse. Just this day, it blows a lot so the dragon wears itself out and sticks out into the sky.
Maze Master Adam Conover takes families on an adventure of a lifetime across themed zones for physical and mental games that earn crystals in return for time in the exciting Crystal Dome and a chance to win the $25,000 grand prize!
Three animal storytellers called Krish, Trish and Baltiboy tell the story of India's fierce struggle for freedom through great moments of courage and sacrifice.