In a world hand-crafted by creativity and imagination, an endearing creature named Gus invites you to embark on melodious adventures fueled by curiosity and discovery along with his faithful zany sidekick, Karrot, and whimsical mentor, Lucy.
Join the WellieWishers as they imagine, sing, dream and discover just what it takes to be kind. When the WellieWishers step into their colorful garden boots, they’re ready for anything – stomping in muddy puddles, dancing with fireflies and navigating the ins and outs of friendship through play and imagination.
Rocco the squirrel lives in the forest and faces new challenges in every episode. How to carry a juicy plum? How to cross a puddle? How to keep warm on a snowy day and much more. Young viewers can identify with Rocco’s challenges and share the joys of his success.
A now-young group of preschool imaginary friends learns from an immature elder friend, Bloo, who, as in the original, still unintentionally gets things wrong
Undercover Coach is a British television short show airing on Disney Channel UK. It will follow the paths of five UK stars as they surprise fans and budding athletes on their doorsteps.