Making Fiends is a short-lived American comedy horror animated television series. Based upon a web series with the same name, the series premiered on October 4, 2008 on Nicktoons, and on March 7, 2009 on Nickelodeon. The series follows the evil, but dim-witted Vendetta and the new happy girl, Charlotte, at school in the gloomy town of Clamburg. Vendetta hates Charlotte and tries to destroy her in each and every episode.
The series is created by Amy Winfrey. She voices Charlotte and her grandmother Charlene, among other characters. Character designer Aglaia Mortcheva is the voice of Vendetta. All of the voice actors from the web cartoon reprise their roles for the TV series, with the addition of a new castmember and crewmember, Dave Wasson
The series premiered with no promotion or press release. At one point, it was the highest rated original program on Nicktoons. Despite positive reviews and good ratings, the show was abruptly cancelled after airing just six episodes.
Worzel Gummidge Down Under, adapted from the books written by Barbara Euphan Todd and the children's television programme produced and broadcast in the United Kingdom named Worzel Gummidge, starring Jon Pertwee. The story continued in New Zealand when Aunt Sally was sold to a Museum owner.
Freaky is a New Zealand children's program that began in 2003, and made by Avalon Productions. It features short episodes about odd phenomena and eerie situations facing children. Usually the protagonist is a boy or girl who starts by trying to do something normal and ordinary, ending up facing an alien, supernatural or weird force of some kind. This is both a fantasy and science fiction show, with aliens, portals and time travel. Often it has a low level horror aspect as well, as in ghost visitations. It is comparable to a children's version of The Twilight Zone. It is set in New Zealand in ordinary locations such as houses, malls and schools.
Most of the episodes have one word in their titles. Some episodes show real-life companies; for example, Allens Lollies and Fantastic Noodles are in the "Trolley" episode, and the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets game is in the "Mirror" episode.
It aired originally in 2003 in New Zealand, and subsequently on the ABC network in Australia.
An 11-year-old boy Pinaki, raised by a family of Bhoots (ghosts) within the four walls of a mansion, decides to step out for the first time into the real world. This is where things go crazy and bhoot funny! Will it be easy for him to make new “living” friends and blend in? The answer would have been a probable yes! but not for his family of Bhoots! Will Pinaki be able to strike a balance between being a normal kid while keeping his family happy and away from all the trouble at school?
Well, this is for all of us to see!
Join Ashley Eckstein for mindful lessons and exercises. Jedi Master Yoda once said, "A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind." Yoda teaches us that training our mind is just as important as physically training our body.
Mojo Swoptops and best buddy Bo love to help their friends in the little town of Swoppiton. With a swop of Mojo's top and Bo's brilliant plans, they make an unstoppable team!