Brave Bunnies is an animated entertaining and educational 2D series for preschool kids. The main idea of the series is to show kids the diversity of the world around them, teach them to accept various traits of others, and successfully communicate even with those who are completely different. Using the example of Brave Bunnies and their friends, parents can explain how to interact with other kids in the kindergarten or at the playground. In each episode, Brave Bunnies meet friends and come up with a fun game to play together.
Mac Murphy takes charge as manager of a struggling fictional Third Division football club, Dunmore United. The series follows a group of young supporters of the club whose day-to-day troubles included attempts to set up a junior supporter's club and clubhouse within the stadium.
JJ's best animal pals are back and sillier than ever! Sing along with JJ and his friends on their wild and hilarious adventures featuring fairy tales, fables, nursery rhymes, and so much more. At CoComelon, our primary goal has always been to engage families with entertaining and educational content that makes universally-relatable preschool moments fun.