The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo is an animated television series based on Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame de Paris. The show was produced by CinéGroupe, Télé-Images, and Astral Media. It aired in 1996. The series takes place in Paris, 1483. The three main characters are Quasimodo, Esmeralda, and François. They fight villains, stop sinister plots, and escape from traps. They often come face to face with their greatest enemy, Frollo.
A lovable series that is all about friendship. Baby butterfly and his animal friends remember fun times they had together, like the day they went to the beach, the day they did magic tricks, or the day they played in a band! Together they manage to overcome any difficulties because they know that staying friends is the most important thing of all.
Get ready for incredible experiments and mind-bending puzzles to impress your friends. Owain and Tilly are here to explore epic science tricks to try at home and showcase new technology innovations from around the world!
Enoshima Island, Shonan, where a lot of garbage has washed up through the river and sewage system. This negative energy gives birth to the powerful "Trash Monster: Mad Trasher," who begins to attack mankind! Around the same time, a young man who loves the ocean discovers a mysterious stone during a beach cleanup…
Short stories about the cricket and his magic violin. No matter what happens, with the help of his violin and it’s soothing sounds the cricket will always find a solution to his problems.
An orphan who sells newspapers on a street corner, instead has a large family on the streets of the city: an old uncle with whom he lives, a kindly false manager from a bank, a substitute mother at the vendor of arepas, a sister in her daughter and a future brother-in-law in the police that goes out of her way. A series where grace and tenderness mix, and in which economic poverty and spiritual wealth shake hands and offer laughter and teachings.
Pinwheel is a children's television show that aired on the Nickelodeon cable network from 1977 to 1989. The show was the original program featured on the Nickelodeon network.