Galaxy Goof-Ups is a half-hour Saturday morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions which aired on NBC from September 9, 1978 to September 1, 1979. The "Galaxy Goof-Ups" consisted of Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Scare Bear and Quack-Up as space patrolmen who always goofed-up while on duty and spent most of their time in disco clubs.
The show originally aired as a segment on Yogi's Space Race from September 9, 1978 to October 28, 1978. Following the cancellation of Yogi's Space Race, Galaxy Goof-Ups was given its own half-hour timeslot on NBC. The show has been rebroadcast on USA Cartoon Express, Nickelodeon, TNT, Cartoon Network and Boomerang.
In the Far Woods, animals don't eat each other. This is strictly prohibited by the Vegetarian Law, which is enforced by the police, like the rest of the laws. Chief Badger is the head of the police. His adopted son, Badgercat, follows in his father's footsteps, even though he starts to think that dad is getting old and boring. Badgercat doesn't quite understand whether he is a badger or a cat, but he is young and eager for adventure.
"Draculabelha" shows the life of Rafael, a vampire of the Euglossini race, who in the past, after being bitten by a vampire, turned into one. Since then, he has successfully managed to save himself from the hunters, always having his faithful girlfriend Estela and Danny, his nerdy friend, with him.
Follow three new idols in training: Himeno Mieru, Mamimu Meh and Wao Parin. But since they're currently unknown, they decide to do their own advertising and gather a fanbase. Together, they form the Aikatsu Academy! Streaming Club to record and broadcast their idol activities.
Karlsson's grandmother is the world's best racing driver and Karlsson is not so bad either. Kaxige Kirre challenges Karlsson in a box car race. Now it is up to Karlsson and Lillebror to build a really fast car so that they can give Kirre what he can stand. Little brother has made a kite at school that he wants to test fly with Bosse. Just this day, it blows a lot so the dragon wears itself out and sticks out into the sky.