In 2016, Marvel and Funko collaborated to create the first-ever Funko animated shorts. Each of the shorts featured some of Marvel’s most popular superheroes and villains, including Spider-Man, Iron Man, Loki, Rocket, Groot, the Collector, Deadpool and Venom.
Mammutland is a 2002 and 2004 produced in KI.KA and ZDF broadcast animated series. It originated in German-French-British cooperation and is based on the thickness of The Way Things Work by David Macaulay.
Meet the cutest three ghosts There, Here and Where! There is a ghost chef. Here is a ghost barber. Where is a first grader ghost. Although they are ghosts, they are not the spooky kind that scares and does bad things to people. Friendly and playful, There, Here and Where are just like any human kids who are out there to have fun! Although their occasional ghost tricks like popping on and off and flying can surprise people, they are done for merriment, never in ill will. Though the ghosts do not meet each other, each one weaves his/her own story, developing friendship and leading happy life.