Mansour is an animated comedy series about an active, life-loving, 12 year old boy and his adventures with his best friends, Obaid and Salem. Whenever life throws this group of inseparable buddies an opportunity, they grab it with both hands and their everyday lives are made extraordinary through their wonderful adventures. Whether their escapades take place at home, in the mall or at school, or further afield, in the rainforests, pyramids and mountains of distant countries - Mansour and his friends share the same zest for life as they embrace and explore a world full of excitement and opportunity.
CBS Children's Film Festival is a television series of live action films from several countries that were made for children. Originally a sporadic series airing on Saturday mornings, Sunday afternoons, or weekday afternoons during the summer from 1967, it became a regularly scheduled program in 1971 on the CBS Saturday morning lineup, running one hour with some films apparently edited down to fit the time slot. The program was hosted by 1950s television act Kukla, Fran and Ollie, aka puppeteer Burr Tillstrom and actress Fran Allison.
Kukla, Fran and Ollie were dropped from the series in 1977 and the program was renamed CBS Saturday Film Festival. In 1978 CBS canceled the show in favor of the youth targeted magazine 30 Minutes which was modeled after its adult sister show 60 Minutes. CBS canceled 30 Minutes in 1982 and brought back Saturday Film Festival which ran for two seasons until CBS cancelled it for good in 1984.
Perhaps the most famous "episode" of the series was the 1960 British film Hand in Hand, the sto
Doodles is a multiplatform, interactive, animated comedy series that takes real people's drawing and turns them into hilarious animated micro movies featuring a cast of coloured-in characters surrounded by insanity.
Mia and her mother Nettan will have new tenants. But not just anyone, it's the mello artists "Jenny & James" who will be moving into the farm. Mia is most curious about their son Dylan. Is he really as cool and cranky as he seems?
The ultimate five (minutes) a day, starring fruit and veg performing and revealing fascinating facts about themselves in the most nutritious variety show around.
Pip and his friends will carry out a rescue here, solve a problem there and most importantly, always have a fun time in the adventures they share together.
The Donut Man(Rob Evans) inspires children around the world to follow Jesus using donuts as a powerful metaphor for the emptiness inside of people without the hope of Jesus.
The Royal Enchantimals have come from all over Everwilde to attend the Royal Enchantment Ceremony, where they'll receive their enchantment powers from Queen Daviana! Follow along on this epic adventure filled with new royal friendships, plenty of rainbows, lots of glitter, and even more giggles as the Royal Enchantimals attend the Royal Enchantment Ceremony!