The adventures of three ordinary school girls turned superheroines and their newfound, cuddly alien counterparts, the Zoots, as they search for enchanted crystals to save the Earth and Z-Nation from a cast of bumbling baddies.
TV 8 Kids' Fun Fest was an animated children's show that aired on the station WINJ-LP in Columbus, Ohio. The series featured animated shorts and songs narrated and sung by Reverend Ella Flowers, the owner of the station.
The Panchatantram is an ancient Indian collection of interrelated animal fables in Sanskrit verse and prose, arranged within a frame story. The surviving work is dated to about 200 BCE, but the fables are likely much more ancient. The text's author is unknown, but it has been attributed to Vishnu Sharma in some recensions and Vasubhaga in others, both of which may be fictitious pen names. This has made in to a show by ETV Telugu.