“BIG FIVE” is a stop motion TV series that follows the story of a group of rescue toys called the "Big Five”. The show takes place in a Kid’s Play Café, where kids come to play with toys during the day. However, when all the kids go home, and the café closes, the toys come to life and begin their daily lives. In each episode, we see one of the toys get in a sticky situation, and the Big Five is always there to save the day.
The Wallace and Ladmo Show, also known as It's Wallace? and Wallace & Company, was a children's television show produced by and aired on KPHO-TV in Phoenix, Arizona, from April 1, 1954, to December 29, 1989.
The show is about a failing school basketball team and the arrival of tall, gaffe-prone but unstoppable Aoife O'Neill. It's a show about determination, finding your tribe, and being true to yourself. Following Aoife and her family as they move to a new area and a new school. She sees this as an opportunity to change her life. Aoife soon discovers that the only place she really fits in is the school basketball team - only they're terrible. Can she turn them around?
Sesam stasjon was a Norwegian children's television series that ran on NRK1 based on Sesame Street. It quickly became the most popular children's show in Norway after its début in 1991, and 198 episodes were made until 1998. Unlike their predecessors from all over the world it is set in a railway station near a town instead of the traditional Sesame Street neighbourhood. Each episode is 30 minutes, of which 15–20 are from the Norwegian production and 10–15 is dubbed from Sesame Street.
Mr. Monkey, Monkey Mechanic is the go-to monkey mechanic for every animal's vehicular needs! With a special workbench for drawing up plans, a garage full of wacky materials, and his trusty monkey wrench, Mr. Monkey can solve any visitor's vehicular problem in surprising and creative ways!
Eena Meena Deeka is a story about a classic battle of wits between the three eponymous chickens and a hungry fox out to hunt them down. Eena is the smartest of the bunch and a scientist with a bevy of gadgets, Meena is always dolled up and the fox’s easiest target, and Deeka is the foodie and strongest of the bunch.